Prošlog tjedna nije bilo redovitog snapshota, rane verzije igre koja nas priprema za Redstone Update. Razlog tome je Mojam, event u kojem je nekoliko različitih timova moralo napraviti igru u samo 3 dana. Većina developera iz Mojanga je sudjelovala i do sad su uspjeli prikupiti skoro pola milijuna dolara, naravno sav novac ide u dobrotvorne svrhe. Više o tome na HumbleBundle.
U ovom snapshotu su dodane neke nove stvari i popravljeni bugovi (više o njima na read more). Tu su izmjene kod animiranih teksura, Smooth Lightning sada ima još jednu opciju, a mobovi mogu jahati druge mobove. Pre-release je planiran za četvrtak, a puna 1.5 verzija za sljedeći tjedan!
- Client:
- Server: (ili EXE)
- Smooth Lighting can now be changed to Minimum, Maximum & Off
- Animated blocks and items in texture packs now require the animation definition
- Updated language files
- A way for mobs to ride other mobs
- Screenshot
- They no longer dismount upon reload
- Mobs can now be spawned riding other mobs
- Players riding stuff will keep it when logging off (When logging off in a minecart, you will take it with you)
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed offline-mode servers not accepting connections when offline and the playername being the email address when playing offline
- Fixed comparators causing block updates while idle
- Fixed renamed hopper’s not showing their name in their GUI
- Fixed exceeding maximum Command Block player selector argument length kicking all players from the server if no players match the selector
- Fixed unnecessary delay of “Done” button in the texturepacks menu
- Fixed hoppers not updating comparators when receiving item stack
- Fixed Mob Spawners failing to save entity NBT
- Fixed EntityAIAvoidEntity not taking multiple entities into account at once
- Fixed the scoreboard using the player selector as player name if it doesn’t return a player