Snapshot 13w05a i 13w05b

Pripreme za 1.5 verziju su u tijeku, a pre-release bi trebali dobiti za par tjedana. U ovom snapshotu nema puno promjena, ali je ispravljeno nešto bugova.

  • Dodani su slojevi snijega, stavite sloj na sloj kako bi povećali blok
  • Izmjene kod bonemeala. Za svaku biljku da potpuno izraste sada je potrebno najviše 4 bonemeala (u prošlom snapshotu 7)
  • Poboljšana Scoreboard tablica
  • Popravljeno osvjetljenje kod stepenica
  • Popravljeni bugovi, više o tome na read more

Snapshot 13w05b možete skinuti na linkovima:


  • Fully implemented multiple snow heights
  • Improved stair lighting
  • Improved the scoreboard system
    • Added team mechanics including custom name colors, friendly fire options and objective tracking per team instead of per player
    • Added a new display type – Displays value below nametags
    • Added a new criteria type – health, ranging from 0 to 20
    • More info
  • Rebalanced bonemeal
    • Everything now takes 2-4 uses to fully grow
  • Fixed some bugs
    • Fixed spawn Protection not working properly
    • Fixed /difficulty command doesn’t produce any messages
    • Fixed comparators outputting “pulse” when side signal is on
    • Fixed comparator delay being inconsistent
    • Fixed comparators constantly causing block updates
    • Fixed SRV no longer being used to lookup servers
    • Fixed HD texture pack items having garbage on edges
    • Fixed activator rail not being destroyed faster when using a pickaxe
    • Fixed TNT defusing when travelling between dimensions
    • Fixed the scoreboard vanishing when changing dimensions
    • Fixed right-clicking blocks with a helmet in hand crashing the game
    • Fixed dispensers putting on stacks of armor
    • Fixed the scoreboard system not accepting @a
    • Fixed furnace minecarts dropping a Minecart and TNT
    • Fixed the URL parser not detecting 4 letter TLDs
    • Fixed the wither not regenerating health when riding a minecart
    • Fixed the doMobLoot gamerule not affecting xp drops
  • Fixed some bugs
    • Fixed a visual glitch when pistons retract
    • Fixed redstone torches and comparators scheduling updates when they shouldn’t
    • Fixed suffocation/jittering/being stuck when spawning in a newly created world
    • Fixed the game crashing when dropping an anvil on certain blocks
    • Fixed “selectServer.editButton” being in place of the server deletion confirmation button
    • Fixed death messages not being translatable properly
    • Fixed a crash when destroying a jukebox with a disk inside
    • Fixed the scoreboard teams function not accepting @p or @r as arguments
    • Fixed 8-level layered snow not acting like a snow block
    • Fixed a crash when leaving a team after deleting it
    • Fixed clicking ‘done’ when editing a sign crashing the game